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Empowering the agricultural sector with innovative, data-driven regenerative practices to transform European agriculture, ensuring a sustainable future.
Tech4RegenAg is set to revolutionize European agriculture with innovative, data-driven regenerative practices. Our mission is to equip the agricultural sector with the tools and knowledge needed to enhance soil health, boost yields, reduce costs, and promote sustainability. We focus on pioneering novel farming practices, establishing soil health baseline, promoting soil regeneration, enhancing the nutritional value of food and dairy products, and addressing the socio-economic impacts of these practices. Aligned with EIT Food’s Net-Zero Food system mission, Tech4RegenAg is committed to fostering a sustainable agricultural future, improving soil health, mitigating climate change, and enhancing biodi- versity across the EU.
Tech4RegenAg represents more than just a project, it embodies a vision for a sustainable future with the funding of EIT Food. The initiative has been developed by a consortium of partners with the aim of fostering a more sustainable agricultural industry:
Aceleradora pioneira de startups de tecnologia avançada com um forte foco em sustentabilidade. Com um histórico comprovado de apoio a mais de 150 empreendimentos na preparação de estratégias de Go-to-Market, a BGI traz uma expertise inestimável para o projeto.
Laboratório colaborativo do sistema científico e tecnológico nacional que se concentra em garantir que produtos de P&D de ponta e sustentáveis alcancem com sucesso o mercado agroalimentar.
IATA is a leading CSIC center known for its expertise in Agrochemistry, Food Science, and Technology, specializing in the analysis of consumer perceptions and behavior through sensory and consumer science research.
Zertifier is a cutting-edge company specializing in traceability and digitalization solutions. With a strong foundation in blockchain technology and IoT, Zertifier has emerged as a trusted partner in the food and beverage sector.