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As the Urban Mobility Hub for RIS countries, BGI is a key 'Contact Point' for the EIT communities, driving innovation and strengthening the ecosystem. We provide tailored support to individuals and organizations, empowering them to engage in EIT Urban Mobility activities and unlock the full potential of our services and programs. Discover how BGI connects you to cutting-edge opportunities in urban mobility innovation.
An immersive and dynamic learning experience that empowers students to tackle the pressing challenges of urban mobility through an entrepreneurial lens. With a focus on urban mobility, our Winter School provides participants with an in-depth understanding of the complexities and opportunities within this rapidly evolving field.
- Exposure to Cutting
-Edge Ideas- Hands
-on Learning- Mentorship
- Interdisciplinary Collaboration
- Kick-off your Entrepreneurial Journey
Bachelor students from RIS countries* and diverse backgrounds: Information Science, Information Technology, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Statistics, Geoinformation Technology, Urban Planning, Geography, Economics, and other similar fields.
* EU Member States: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain.
* Horizon Europe Associated Countries: Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine.
* Outermost Regions: Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Réunion, Martinique, Mayotte and Saint-Martin (France), the Azores and Madeira (Portugal), and the Canary Islands (Spain).
Innov4Mobility aims to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset among bachelor students, nurturing their creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving skills and proactivity. Through a challenge-based approach, students will learn how to identify, analyze, and propose innovative solutions to real-world urban mobility issues faced by European cities. The course will cover EIT Urban Mobility's core challenge areas: active mobility, energy, inclusivity, future mobility, infrastructure, public spaces, intermodality, logistics, and pollution reduction.
ContactThe Mobility Solutions: Matchmaking Day is a networking and matchmaking event brought by EIT Urban Mobility and BGI, which will bring new innovative ideas to the table and promote meaningful collaborations. The goal is to accelerate innovation in the urban mobility sector by bridging the gap between startups/entrepreneurs/research teams and industry leaders to collaboratively address real-world mobility challenges.
📣 Reverse Pitches - Leading companies in the mobility sector will hold reverse pitches, presenting their most pressing mobility challenges that startups can address.
🤝 Networking & Matchmaking Opportunities - Startups and companies that share synergistic goals will meet to explore potential forms of partnerships.
💡 Mentoring Opportunities - Startups and research teams will have the chance to be selected to be mentored by BGI.
🌍 Real Impact - The event offers the right environment for sharing knowledge and creating collaborations that can make a difference in the future of urban mobility, making it more sustainable, innovative, efficient and connected.
The event is designed for visionary startup founders and entrepreneurs with transformative solutions in key mobility areas. It focuses on sustainability in service stations through energy, water, and biodiversity innovations; the development of innovative business models and services in response to changing mobility trends; the evolution of toll and payment systems for the future; and exploring innovative measures to enhance public transport, address high traffic areas, and promote customer engagement.
ContactFor the first time in Lisbon, Park(ing) Day will be held on September 15th, as a result of the collaboration between BGI and EIT Urban Mobility.
Park(ing) Day is an international event that takes place annually in cities all around the world, with the main objective of temporarily occupying parking spaces to create an open public space that allows for dynamic activities involving the entire community.
This event thus marks the launch of the Semana Europeia da Mobilidade, the main awareness campaign of the European Commission on sustainable urban mobility, which takes place every year from September 16th to 22nd.
To participate in Park(ing) Day in Lisbon, just pass in front of nº82 at Rua Luís de Camões, in Alcântara (Lisbon)! When you arrive, you'll see the parking lot transformed into a creative space. Walk around the area, enjoy the installations, and interact with the participants!
Don't forget to capture the memorable moments of the event and share them on social media with the hashtag #parkingdaylisboa2023.